Wednesday, October 22, 2008

SIs. Emmert

Have you ever known someone , who you felt
is near perfect.? ...She was always the same, loving,
godly, and could make you laugh. And you felt better
after being with this lady.. Our dear Sis. Emmert has
gone on to be with Jesus. What a grand homecoming
she will have..

I remember as a young mother, the advice she gave
me, the love she showed, the prayers she prayed
for me and also my family. She was a wonderful
person.... Good-bye to a precious saint... I loved

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Popping Gum

I know how popping gum irritates some people...
But, Her highnesses...Kate and Lily.. love it.

They both just stare as I chew and get ready for
a bubble. As they anticipate the "pop". Their eyes
get so big.. And I try to not to disappoint them.
Honestly, I really am not trying to stand on your last
nerve..I just love entertaining them.

Then, I hesitate.. and they look at me so intently,
and they try to move their mouths, like they just
saw me do. I try my best not to laugh. And thats hard.
Cuz, they are just soooooooooo adorable.

Its so easy to make a child smile, or make them happy.
What a blessed "Nana"..I am.

We got the privilege of keeping Kate Marie this last
weekend. Her mom and dad celebrated their 5th anniv.
with an overnight trip. She was such a delight. We played,
went for walks, and let her play in the bath, till the water
got a lil' chilly. Even, let her stay up a lil' longer. We got
to cuddle alot. And it was truly a joy.

I will get the privilege of having Elijah, Jonah, and Lily on
Thursday, so their mom and dad can go out. I know we will have fun..

Because....... I love being their "NANA" and they are all my joy.
And as long as they like it... folks... I will still pop my gum, just hold
your ears..

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I Wish I knew More About Everything

Do you ever wish you knew the answer to :

Why people say mean things, and they say they are teasing,
but it is still hurtful. And you wonder how you are suppose to
react. And you wonder, "what did I do"????? You go over and over
trying to remember, where you might have failed. And I wonder,
it, has to be somewhere ,I have lost their respect. And again....

I'm guilty of saying negative things also. But, I've been reminded
how it feels. and I know how it hurts. If I ever hurt someone,
wether it be my family, beloved friends, or a hurting stranger. Lord,
please forgive me.

There are a few things I really want .

To be real.........not fake.
To put others first.
To love Jesus, with my whole heart, soul and mind, .
May I not hurt anyone at anytime.
May I be an instrument of peace
May I be a better wife, mother, nana, friend ....

Just a few things I want.......

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Politics ruin my day

I wish America would wake up. Come on people.....
Get back to basics ....honesty, morals, a respect for
our country and our freedom. Be thankful for the soldiers
who are fighting , and have fought.
God help us.. if we get a man more sensitive to the muslim
faith, who does not really appreciate the price
that was paid for our freedom. Who doesnt even have the
experience to run a city (as mayor). Let alone our country.
I hear he has organized events... Well..... whoppeedoo.
So, I get
togethers...Does that qualify me??
Lord have mercy....................................
And I truly do mean it..with all sincerity....
ta-da.. now I will shut up and go to bed.. did I hear a
sigh of relief???? gnight

Another Nana Story.....

Little Jonah woke up one morning this week, wanting to talk to his "Momma".
And Becca asked him what it wanted to talk to her about, well, he said you aren't
my "momma", Nana is. You are my "mommy". Well, they called his "momma" aka
Nana, and I asked what he wanted to tell me. he said, "I got a zebra". Pretty important item to share , I'd say.
I want them to grow up knowing they can tell me anything, and I will listen. And I
will always love them..
You know, I never dreamed that my heart could hold anymore love than I have for
my children. Well, then came my grandkids.... and yesiree.... it sure can!!